A first version of the HEP-Test-Q with 33 items was pilot-tested in 24 German haemophilia patients, including preliminary psychometric testing on item level (missing values, difficulty index, item-total correlation, alpha if item omitted) and scale level (internal consistency, test-retest correlation, convergent and known groups validity). Patients were asked to evaluate the questionnaire concerning acceptance, relevance and comprehensibility. The preliminary version was subsequently revised and some items were omitted. Based on patients’ recommendations two additional items were included.
Field-testing and Use
The revised questionnaire with 25 items pertaining to four domains (‘mobility’, ‘strength & coordination’, ‘endurance’ and ‘body perception’) plus one item evaluating the physical activity compared with the past year was administered in a field test to 43 German haemophilia patients revealing good psychometric characteristics.
The HEP-Test-Q has been included since it's development in several observational and interventional studies confirming it's psychometric characteristics and applicability (publications).